Cheetah Girls. Friendship & Sisterhood in the digital age. 📱🎥🐆

Sisterhood and friendship are central to relationships between women. Movies and series have depicted the intricate dynamic of female platonic relationships in various ways. The Cheetah Girls explores this type of relationship. Released by Disney in 2003, the three part movie franchise, chronicles the creative ambitions of a group of four girls from New York City. The difficulties in their friendships were highlighted as they movie unfolds. The characters portrayed included a strong protagonist (Raven Symone, as Galleria) bold, confident and talented. A competent mediator (Adrienne Bailon, as Chanel) kind, supportive and nurturing. The exceptional entertainer (Sabrina Bryan, as Dorinda), energetic, spontaneous and courageous. Finally the charming advocate (Kiely Williams, as Aqua) quiet, capable and honest. The group united based on their love of performing arts and a dream, to become a famous recording group.

Right to Left: Dorinda, Aqua, Galleria and Chanel (The Cheetah Girls)

The directing and screenwriting of Cheetah Girls I, masterfully captures the individual backstories of each character. Juggling school activities and family struggles, the girls persevered through each challenge. At several points, their disparate views on how to proceed with a potential opportunity, nearly ended their friendship. The talented Cheetah Girls with their no nonsense mothers onside, progressed through each performance, audition and decision.

Their passion for performing arts kept each Cheetah Girl invested in the group. The girls cared deeply for one another. When faced with a decision to sign with a record label, they weren’t willing to move forward with an opportunity, without each other.

In recent times, social media platforms are used inappropriately, causing difficulties in relationships. It is difficult to hold different views, without being challenged or bullied online. In Cheetah Girls I, Galleria held different views regarding how they should proceed with an offer from a record company. Her views were justified, rational and compelling. When Galleria raised this, it caused a conflict in the group. Instead of addressing the root issue, Aqua presented Galleria’s perspective, as a reflection of her personal attributes. Completely by-passing the actual issue that was raised.

This happens in real-life too. However, when issues are presented in a meditated environment, resolutions can lead to stronger bonds and sense of belonging. In the digital age, social norms are shifting. My observation is this: Gen Z are great at forming online community, yet struggle with the day to day realities of connecting and building community in person. The COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated this and social norms seem to be changing everyday.

For the Cheetah Girls, there passion kept them bonded, yet they aren’t a model for success in feminine community building either. By Cheetah Girls III the protagonist left the franchise and in recent years, the cast were attempting to resolve past conflict (on Instagram). Add social media and a global pandemic, we are becoming socially fragile.

My real-life cheetah girls are coming together for my next season in life! It’s been a blessing to be connected with different groups of friends over the years. I’ve had a good best friend for every major stage of my life, thus far. Although my life purpose has shifted me from those relationships, I treasure all the memories and moments we shared. Relationships are powerful and it is a blessing to have been connected with so many wonderful people. As I look to the future, I see my community expanding with new relationships that will bring joy, peace and stability after a season of personal growth.

Women are incredibly powerful, especially when we are able to connect with each other. I hope you find your amigas cheetahs! If you already have your group of besties, cherish them forever!

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